6 Jun, 2023

Learn how to not burn.

By |2023-06-06T10:46:27-06:00June 6th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Learn how to not burn.  This safety task is fairly simple.  According to OSHA identify potential sources of flammable gases and then identify potential ignition sources.  You identify potential sources of flammable gases by knowing what flammable gases which could potentially be on site.  Do this by examining your job site and identify activities involving [...]

19 May, 2023

Training: Its not just for newbies.

By |2023-05-19T09:28:26-06:00May 19th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Ladder and stairway safety, Lock Out Tag Out, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Training, it’s not just for newbies.  Training, and refresher training, is an excellent method of keeping in front of employees (this includes top management to new hires) abreast of not only OSHA safety regulations but your company’s safety policies and practices. Knowing how to safely carry out work tasks is simple, but very important.  Remembering [...]

15 May, 2023

Signs Matter in the real world.

By |2023-05-15T10:03:05-06:00May 15th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Utility Construction Safety, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Signs Matter in the real world.  It’s a hot summer day, with very little breeze, and any means of cooling off is welcome.   A young man (over 18 years old)  and some of his friends decide they have a great idea to cool down.  There is a closed mine about ½ mile away and they [...]

12 May, 2023

Backing incidents. Prevention

By |2023-05-12T11:57:17-06:00May 12th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Utility Construction Safety, Worker Safety|0 Comments

2021  Backing incidents.  Prevention. Backing incidents are just like front-facing strikes, only different.  An operator is moving the equipment rearward and a person is walking, standing, or kneeling behind the equipment, unseen by the operator.  Each year more than 70 people are fatally injured in backover incidents. Such incidents or near misses occur even when [...]

26 Apr, 2023

Safety training plays a big role in work place safety. Fall protection training is required in certain instances in the work place.

By |2023-04-26T14:32:12-06:00April 26th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety programs, Walking and climbing surfaces|0 Comments

Safety training plays a big role in work place safety.  Fall protection training is required in certain instances in the work place. Learn how to not fall. (It is simpler than you might think.) Most of us have climbed trees in our youth.  Climbing trees is a youthful event.  The desire to climb toward the [...]

4 Apr, 2023

You don’t have to follow OSHA: You can have stricter safety policies.

By |2023-04-04T13:33:25-06:00April 4th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

2022  You don’t have to follow OSHA: You can have stricter safety policies. You don’t have to follow OSHA: You can have stricter safety policies.  You of course know that the OSHA safety rules are safety minimums. In other words, these safety rules are the bare bones of good safety practices. But did you know [...]

20 Mar, 2023

How to develop an effective training program.

By |2023-03-20T14:50:05-06:00March 20th, 2023|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Enforcement, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

How to develop an effective training program. Training.  More than simply talking about a subject.  The presentation need to be accurate, credible, clear, and practical. Probably the most important element is understanding you are delivering your training to adults.  Many of whom have years of experience practicing their trade.  Did you know one of the [...]

19 Oct, 2022

Mine Safety Health Act Safety Alerts

By |2022-10-19T08:26:33-06:00October 19th, 2022|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Safety practices, Safety programs, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mine Safety Health Act Safety Alerts. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) provides support for mine safety in ways other than mere inspections and citations.  MSHA also provides a great resource for making known safety hazards which exist at many mines.  Topics of these Safety Alerts include vehicle rollovers, roof and rib safety guidance, and [...]

21 Sep, 2022

Mine safety. Confined spaces

By |2022-09-21T10:09:19-06:00September 21st, 2022|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Hazard Identification, Lock Out Tag Out, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Safety practices, Safety programs, Uncategorized, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Mine safety.  Confined spaces.  Most workplaces in the US have confined space hazards.  Mining is no exception but with different twist. Many confined spaces in mining involved material processing equipment. Crushers, conveyors, and material storage bins.  Material  engulfment is a hazard that can be present where mined materials are handled.  For example, sand and gravel [...]

7 Sep, 2022

Be an adult. Don’t fall.

By |2022-09-07T10:32:44-06:00September 7th, 2022|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Ladder and stairway safety, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Enforcement, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Walking and climbing surfaces, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Fall safety. Almost everyone learns about gravity as a kid.  Climbing trees, roller blading, climbing fences.  And of course, falling from these or other activities.  Gravity has not changed much since we were kids to working adults.  The big difference, adults are supposed to be smarter (or at least wiser) than kids. Recognizing a fall [...]

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