29 Jan, 2022

How to develop an effective training program.

By |2022-01-29T09:34:36-07:00January 29th, 2022|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mine Safety Training, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

How to develop an effective training program. Training.  More than simply talking about a subject.  The presentation needs be accurate, credible, clear, and practical. Probably the most important element is understanding you are delivering your training to adults.  Many of whom have years of experience practicing their trade.  Did you know one of the most [...]

1 Dec, 2021

Actual  Safety Training.  It’s not optional.

By |2021-12-01T11:47:08-07:00December 1st, 2021|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mine Safety Training, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Enforcement, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Uncategorized, Utility Construction Safety, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Actual  Safety Training.  It’s not optional. You no doubt have heard that safety training of employees is a good idea. And safety training is a good idea.  But did you know there are certain topics that the Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA) requires?  Its true. OSHA requires training if your employees operate forklifts, or work [...]

18 Oct, 2021

Lock Out Tag Out

By |2021-10-18T10:00:45-06:00October 18th, 2021|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Lock Out Tag Out, Miner Safety, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices|0 Comments

Lock Out Tag Out is a well-known safety practice aimed at protecting workers from the unexcepted release of energy.   The word ‘energy” includes electricity, pneumatic (pressurized air), hydraulic (pressurized oils/water), kinetic (springs under tension).  In other words, anything that if released unexpectedly can cause harm to workers or equipment. Some tips on how to effectively [...]

8 Apr, 2021

Drugs/Alcohol in the work place.

By |2021-04-08T07:55:05-06:00April 8th, 2021|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mining, OSHA Safety, Safety Expert Witness, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Drugs/Alcohol in the workplace. Drugs in our society, be they licit or illicit, are not uncommon.  Operating equipment of any kind or the workplace is not suitable for drug use (including some prescription drugs).   The reason being is that many drugs can affect or impair mental and physical function.  On the job, one must be [...]

3 Jan, 2021

Accident investigations. Or, how to avoid incidents and save money.

By |2021-01-03T08:52:58-07:00January 3rd, 2021|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Miner Safety, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Accident investigations. Or, how to avoid incidents and save money. Taking some time to learn why and how an injury or equipment damage incident occurred is extremely beneficial. First, it helps to learn why an incident occurred. Second, it saves money. Properly conducted, a post-incident investigation will bring to light why and how an incident [...]

19 Aug, 2020

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.*

By |2020-08-19T11:24:30-06:00August 19th, 2020|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Miner Safety, Oil and Gas Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

“Any fool can know.  The point is to understand”.  Safety talks are opportunities to pass on knowledge and understanding.   Safety talks discuss an activity and then how to safely handle the task.  For example working at heights.  Understanding that fall protection need be in place and what types of fall protection are known to be [...]

14 Apr, 2020

Electrical Safety

By |2020-04-14T07:12:25-06:00April 14th, 2020|Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Hazard Identification, Mining, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Electricity.  What is the old saying I’ve heard, no cares about electricity but everyone cares about cold beer?  If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an electrical jolt you know it was an unpleasant surprise.  And, such a jolt was at the end of a low voltage contact.   Higher voltages and amps can [...]

14 Jan, 2020

Employer beware: OSHA Repeat Violations.

By |2020-01-14T09:22:55-07:00January 14th, 2020|Employer OSHA Compliance, OSHA Enforcement|0 Comments

Employer Beware: OSHA Repeat Violations. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can look back 3 years of a business’s citation history to determine whether a “repeat” violation condition exists.  (The OSHA statute does not, in fact, state a time limitation, rather, OSHA has settled on a policy to look back only three years. Letter [...]

2 Jan, 2020

Dealing with OSHA Citations

By |2020-01-02T16:47:54-07:00January 2nd, 2020|Employer OSHA Compliance, OSHA Enforcement|0 Comments

Dealing with OSHA Citations The Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency designed to provide safety information, safety training suggestions, and safety programs.  The focus of OSHA is assisting employers to provide a safe workplace free of hazards to employees.  OSHA also has an enforcement function.  If an employer is allowing a noncomplying [...]

4 Dec, 2019

Fall Injuries

By |2019-12-04T16:34:15-07:00December 4th, 2019|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, OSHA Safety, Safety programs, Walking and climbing surfaces, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Fall injuries.  This blog is a little different from many of my earlier blogs.  It relies solely upon my experience as a safety manager for companies over the years.  It is a laymen’s comment. The discussion is about fall injuries and why they are so problematic.   First, a fall injury may arise from a simple [...]

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