21 Nov, 2017

Safety on ladders and stairways.

By |2018-01-10T14:29:31-07:00November 21st, 2017|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Ladder and stairway safety, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety practices, Safety programs, Utility Construction Safety, Walking and climbing surfaces, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Safety on ladders and stairways.   New and improved method of avoiding falls from ladders, stairs and equipment:  3 Points of contact! Work place injuries are a plague on business: Loss of a valuable employee, down time or slower progress on the project, economic costs.  You’ve heard it all before.  You know this first hand as [...]

18 Sep, 2017

Safety programs cost less than accidents.

By |2018-01-10T15:31:54-07:00September 18th, 2017|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employee Safety, Employer OSHA Compliance, Oil and Gas Safety, OSHA Safety, Safety programs, Utility Construction Safety, Worker Safety|0 Comments

So, your insurance agent calls up and asks if he can stop by to chat.  You say sure, always have coffee on, stop on by.  The agent stops in and after some chit chat says the work comp insurance company is notified him they have some concerns with the account.  You say, well, we’ve had [...]

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