20 Apr, 2021

Learn how to not burn. 

By |2021-04-20T13:44:30-06:00April 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Learn how to not burn around flammable gases.  This safety task is fairly simple.  According to OSHA identify potential sources of flammable gases.  Then identify potential ignition sources.  You identify potential sources  by knowing what flammable gases could potentially be on site.  Do this by examining your job site and identify activities involving:  cutting of [...]

8 Apr, 2021

Drugs/Alcohol in the work place.

By |2021-04-08T07:55:05-06:00April 8th, 2021|Avoiding Work Place Injury, Employer OSHA Compliance, Mining, OSHA Safety, Safety Expert Witness, Safety programs, Worker Safety|0 Comments

Drugs/Alcohol in the workplace. Drugs in our society, be they licit or illicit, are not uncommon.  Operating equipment of any kind or the workplace is not suitable for drug use (including some prescription drugs).   The reason being is that many drugs can affect or impair mental and physical function.  On the job, one must be [...]

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