Safety training.  Required or just helpful?

The question above is answered, both.  As a safety professional, I’ve found safety training to be very beneficial for crews and management alike.  After all, how can it be expected that crews will know how to safely handle a task if they are never told how to safely handle a task.

But did you know the Occupational Safety Health Administration (OSHA) has specific topics which require safety training?  Did you know that failing to provide the mandated safety training will likely be cited by OSHA?

A great source of learning what safety training is required is OSHA’s Training Requirements in OSHA Standards, publication OSHA 2254-09R-2015.   chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

Check it out. Only takes a couple of minutes to learn what safety training is required.  You can provide safety training to protect your employees.  You can protect your business from avoidable OSHA enforcement actions through compliance.