Greg has 15 years safety manager experience working in world of heavy construction, roads, Denver light rail/electrical, excavation/trenching/boring, commercial vehicles, heavy equipment repair shops and pipeline.
His experience includes safety training to crews working in construction, field/site inspections, safety program assessment/risk management, development of safety programs reducing incident rates (personal injury and equipment damage), record keeping, historical incident analysis helping identify events upon which corrective actions can be formulated and implemented, and assistance in OSHA inspections and informal settlement hearings.
Some of the common hazards we can assist with include confined space, trenching/protective measures, fork lift, fall protection, lifting injuries, ladder safety, slip and fall and traffic nearby/in project (foot or mobile vehicles) overhead obstacles like power lines or structures, stock piled materials, etc.
As a safety manager in construction, as well as safety expert witness, Greg has seen firsthand the negative impacts arising from a moment of inattention to even the simplest of safety practices. Fall protection, fork lift operation, equipment operation, electricity, failure to properly train and supervisor employees, confined space, trenching/excavation are frequent causes of injury.
We want to help business operate safely to prevent injuries, equipment damage and OSHA compliance concerns. We want to help you succeed!