Falls.  What goes up must come down.  An old saying you’ve likely heard before.  It is true because gravity is everywhere.  But did you know 38% of all deaths in the construction work place are falls.  And, fall injuries typically constituted the longest recovery time as well as the long term disability.

Falls can occur from ladders, sky lights, unguarded working edges, scaffolding, stairs, steps, roofs, iron workers, derricks, silos, etc. Falls are completely avoidable.  Employers who take a few minutes to identify tasks involving fall potential, identify methods/tools/procedures that will prevent a fall and then train its employees on fall identification and avoidance, will be way ahead of the game.

Final comment. Gravity does not respect job titles.  So fall protection applies to ANYONE who will be exposed to potential fall condition.  This includes top management.

For more information check out OSHA at: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/fallprotection/